The deadline to vote is June 4, 2021.
As a member of SOPE, we are asking you to vote for our SOPE Executive Board open positions, that of Secretary and Sonographer Member. The Secretary position is a one-year term, and this individual will then progress through the ranks to Treasurer, Vice President, and eventual President (each also one-year term). The Sonographer Member position is a 2-year term, and after two years this individual will advance to Sonographer Board Co-Chair for another 2 years. The descriptions for these positions are: Secretary. The Secretary shall keep accurate and legible minutes of all meetings and a record of all motions affecting the Society listing date, context, and proposer. The Secretary shall see that role is taken at all meetings. The secretary shall oversee the publication of SOPE newsletters. The Secretary shall preside at the meetings in the absence of the President, Sonographer Board Co-Chair, Vice President, and Treasurer. Sonographer Member. The Sonographer Member shall support the activities of the Sonographer Co-Chair and shall assume the responsibilities of the Sonographer Co-Chair in their absence, shall ensure that one webinar per year is under their direction, shall advocate for sonographer-specific issues and perspectives, shall assist in all projects and/or objectives as needed and directed, and shall assist with registration during the SOPE annual meeting.